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Das fremde Kind


Kompositionen nach Motiven aus dem Quintett für Harfe in d-Moll von E. Т. А. Hoffman

Simeon Edward (I, II), Georgi Strezov (III)

Sofia Session Studio Plamen Penchev, Angelia Vihrova
Kiril Georgiev (Gitarre) Ina Kancheva (Solo-Sopran) Yordan Dimitrov (Geige) Smilyana Lozanova (Geige) Kiril Hristov (Bratsche) Dimitar Tenchev (Cello) Dimana Todorova (Hintergrundgesang) Alexander Kostov (Hintergrundgesang) Simeon Edward (Hintergrundgesang) Georgi Strezov (Backing Vocals)
Sound Design Lyubomir Goshev

Musikalischer Remix nach Motiven aus der Oper "Hoffmanns Erzählungen" von Jacques Offenbach mit der besonderen Beteiligung von Ivan Shopov
Mixing und Mastering Strezov Music

Productions Ltd © Cultural Perspectives Foundation, 2019

das fremde kind


Compositions on motives from Quintet for Harp in D minor by E. Т. А. Hoffman

Simeon Edward (I, II), Georgi Strezov (III)

Sofia Session Studio Plamen Penchev, Angelia Vihrova
Kiril Georgiev (guitar) Ina Kancheva (solo soprano) Yordan Dimitrov (violin) Smilyana Lozanova (violin) Kiril Hristov (viola) Dimitar Tenchev (cello)
Dimana Todorova (backing vocals) Alexander Kostov (backing vocals)
Simeon Edward (backing vocals) Georgi Strezov (backing vocals)
Sound design by Lyubomir Goshev

Musical remix based on motives from the opera "The Tales of Hoffmann" by Jaques Offenbach with the special participation of Ivan Shopov
Mixing and mastering Strezov Music

Productions Ltd © Cultural Perspectives Foundation, 2019